【史上第一,中英文雙語開箱文】 SKINNY+ iPad 漾彩無線鍵盤,讓我與女王的生活更多彩!
My girl friend likes to use my iPad 3 during working, and she wants to have a smart keyboard case with it. However, ordinary Bluetooth keyboard cases are not fashionable at all. They are usually in black, which cannot attract women's eyes.
話說,我家女王很喜歡用我的Apple iPad3,尤其是當她上班時更是需要用來簡報跟寫企劃,對於打字的需求這麼大,因此她很想要有一個藍芽鍵盤讓她能夠搭配iPad3使用,畢竟用觸控螢幕打字還是很不便。
↓Since it is time to her birthday, I bought something colourful from Amazon.com. Yes, it is Hatch & Co. SKINNY+ iPad Smart Keyboard Case in colour.
↓因為再過幾天就是她的生日了,幾經尋覓,我終於在網路上找到了這個秘密禮物:Hatch & Co. SKINNY+ iPad 智慧鍵盤多彩保護套
↓You can see from the back of the package. SKINNY+ smart keyboard case can be not only a keyboard case but also an iPad stand.
↓Inside the box, there are SKINNY+, instruction, and USB charge cable.
↓ 迫不及待打開盒子一看,裡面有SKINNY+ 一台、使用說明書以及USB充電連接線。
↓ Plug the USB cable into SKINNY+ and charge it via my MacBook Air.
↓先把USB連接線接上我的MacBook Air充個電再來幫女王”試玩”吧!!!
↓ Before my girl friend uses SKINNY+, she has to call the virtual keyboard up. The result is that there is no much space to use on iPad Screen.
↓ 在以往沒有SKINNY+時,她要用iPad打字都必須叫出內建的虛擬鍵盤,可是這樣一來整個螢幕就會被佔據一大半,如此一來整個文件的可視範圍就會變很小,對編輯上是極為不便的。
↓ Since SKINNY+ uses touch membrane technology as its keyboard, SKINNY+ become the slimmest Bluetooth keyboard ever. Only the slim keyboard case can match the beauty of Apple iPad 3.
↓ 由於SKINNY+ 採用的是鍵盤膜大廠科嘉(F科嘉)的觸控膜科技,因此造就出全世界最薄的觸控鍵盤SKINNY+。而且女王說一定要超薄的鍵盤才能搭配她心愛的iPad3(大誤)~看來她完全忘記那是我的iPad3 了 ~
↓ Just installed, and it is really easy to be set with iPad.
↓ 卡的一下就把iPad 裝進保護套中了,沒想到還挺好裝的,我喜歡這種不會遮到邊框的設計,能夠完整享受到iPad 白色美美的邊框。
↓ The foldable stand design can make it easier to read iBooks and watch YouTube with iPad.
↓ 將iPad 往上一折就可以變成可調式多角度的座架,我家女王就是喜歡看iBooks、YouTube,有了這功能,她一定更把iPad抱著不放,不還我了~ @@
↓ The smart case designs to be an iPad stand while holding the iPad securely. Most importantly, the stand is multi-angled and foldable.
↓ The SKINNY+ is developed by Hatch & Co., which is a famous brand for touch keyboard case.
↓ 一開始我也以為Hatch & Co. 是新品牌,Google了一下才發現他是專門研發平板用鍵盤的國際大廠 。
↓ With no gap between keys, there is no need to worry about dropping cookie crumbs or spilling coffee over the keyboard.
↓ Hatch & Co. 特殊的觸控鍵盤設計,由於沒有間隙所以不太會卡灰塵,女王最喜歡一邊用iPad一邊星巴客了,她一定會愛上這設計,因為不怕餅乾屑掉下去,會不好清潔了。
↓ I like to share my proposal with my coworkers in this way, so that I can discuss our plan easily. Only SKINNY+ can do that.
↓平常我開會時最喜歡用這種方式跟同事分享想法,SKINNY+這樣的設計剛好讓我可以一邊討論一邊紀錄想法,又不會佔用iPad 螢幕,偶爾也是要跟女王借來用用的啦。
↓ The clever folding angel makes it more convenient even when I play Angry bird, my favourite APP game.
↓ 把SKINNY+對折後,就變成了APP Gaming模式,不管是玩憤怒鳥還是水果忍者,都超方便的。
↓ The "X" structure design keeps the accessibility well when I use iPad back camera.
↓ SKINNY+保護iPad 的部份採用的是獨特的”X”結構,所以它可以在保護iPad的同時,又不會遮住休眠鈕 及照相鏡頭。
↓ The speaker hole and connector exposures properly.
↓ My girl friend really likes the SKINNY+ in hot pink, and it looks like a fashion notebook.
↓ Simple but elegant SKINNY+ is our colourful partner for blogging.
↓ 設計簡潔又優雅的SKINNY+ 即將是女王的彩漾時尚伙伴,相信這個秘密禮物會讓她更愛我。
話說,我家女王很喜歡用我的Apple iPad3,尤其是當她上班時更是需要用來簡報跟寫企劃,對於打字的需求這麼大,因此她很想要有一個藍芽鍵盤讓她能夠搭配iPad3使用,畢竟用觸控螢幕打字還是很不便。
↓Since it is time to her birthday, I bought something colourful from Amazon.com. Yes, it is Hatch & Co. SKINNY+ iPad Smart Keyboard Case in colour.
↓因為再過幾天就是她的生日了,幾經尋覓,我終於在網路上找到了這個秘密禮物:Hatch & Co. SKINNY+ iPad 智慧鍵盤多彩保護套
↓You can see from the back of the package. SKINNY+ smart keyboard case can be not only a keyboard case but also an iPad stand.
↓Inside the box, there are SKINNY+, instruction, and USB charge cable.
↓ 迫不及待打開盒子一看,裡面有SKINNY+ 一台、使用說明書以及USB充電連接線。
↓ Plug the USB cable into SKINNY+ and charge it via my MacBook Air.
↓先把USB連接線接上我的MacBook Air充個電再來幫女王”試玩”吧!!!
↓ Before my girl friend uses SKINNY+, she has to call the virtual keyboard up. The result is that there is no much space to use on iPad Screen.
↓ 在以往沒有SKINNY+時,她要用iPad打字都必須叫出內建的虛擬鍵盤,可是這樣一來整個螢幕就會被佔據一大半,如此一來整個文件的可視範圍就會變很小,對編輯上是極為不便的。
↓ Since SKINNY+ uses touch membrane technology as its keyboard, SKINNY+ become the slimmest Bluetooth keyboard ever. Only the slim keyboard case can match the beauty of Apple iPad 3.
↓ 由於SKINNY+ 採用的是鍵盤膜大廠科嘉(F科嘉)的觸控膜科技,因此造就出全世界最薄的觸控鍵盤SKINNY+。而且女王說一定要超薄的鍵盤才能搭配她心愛的iPad3(大誤)~看來她完全忘記那是我的iPad3 了 ~
↓ Just installed, and it is really easy to be set with iPad.
↓ 卡的一下就把iPad 裝進保護套中了,沒想到還挺好裝的,我喜歡這種不會遮到邊框的設計,能夠完整享受到iPad 白色美美的邊框。
↓ The foldable stand design can make it easier to read iBooks and watch YouTube with iPad.
↓ 將iPad 往上一折就可以變成可調式多角度的座架,我家女王就是喜歡看iBooks、YouTube,有了這功能,她一定更把iPad抱著不放,不還我了~ @@
↓ The smart case designs to be an iPad stand while holding the iPad securely. Most importantly, the stand is multi-angled and foldable.
↓ The SKINNY+ is developed by Hatch & Co., which is a famous brand for touch keyboard case.
↓ 一開始我也以為Hatch & Co. 是新品牌,Google了一下才發現他是專門研發平板用鍵盤的國際大廠 。
↓ With no gap between keys, there is no need to worry about dropping cookie crumbs or spilling coffee over the keyboard.
↓ Hatch & Co. 特殊的觸控鍵盤設計,由於沒有間隙所以不太會卡灰塵,女王最喜歡一邊用iPad一邊星巴客了,她一定會愛上這設計,因為不怕餅乾屑掉下去,會不好清潔了。
↓ I like to share my proposal with my coworkers in this way, so that I can discuss our plan easily. Only SKINNY+ can do that.
↓平常我開會時最喜歡用這種方式跟同事分享想法,SKINNY+這樣的設計剛好讓我可以一邊討論一邊紀錄想法,又不會佔用iPad 螢幕,偶爾也是要跟女王借來用用的啦。
↓ The clever folding angel makes it more convenient even when I play Angry bird, my favourite APP game.
↓ 把SKINNY+對折後,就變成了APP Gaming模式,不管是玩憤怒鳥還是水果忍者,都超方便的。
↓ The "X" structure design keeps the accessibility well when I use iPad back camera.
↓ SKINNY+保護iPad 的部份採用的是獨特的”X”結構,所以它可以在保護iPad的同時,又不會遮住休眠鈕 及照相鏡頭。
↓ The speaker hole and connector exposures properly.
↓ My girl friend really likes the SKINNY+ in hot pink, and it looks like a fashion notebook.
↓ Simple but elegant SKINNY+ is our colourful partner for blogging.
↓ 設計簡潔又優雅的SKINNY+ 即將是女王的彩漾時尚伙伴,相信這個秘密禮物會讓她更愛我。
- 類皮革質感提供舒適又時尚的iPad使用體驗
- 獨家觸控鍵盤科技防潑水又防塵
- 藍芽無線連接您的iPad
- 多媒體快速鍵,回到Home頁、調整音量、剪下、拷貝、貼上,一鍵搞定
- 智慧保護套設計,能使上下蓋貼合與開啟時讓iPad休眠和喚醒,以節省iPad的電力
- 長效電池壽命,能續航2周(待機 6 周)
- 繽紛5色選擇,熱情紅、 時尚橙、 海洋藍、 繽紛紫、美豔桃紅。SKINNY+ 5個顏色反映出不同的色彩個性、襯托您獨特的時尚風格。
- 鍵盤語言:英語
- 功能:★★★★☆
- 價格:★★★☆☆
- 保護:★★★★★
- 相容性:★★★★☆ (iPad2, 3, and 4)